Personalized tutoring lessons to help you achieve your learning goals!

Local tutoring business for students of all ages, specialized in a variety of subjects. Whatever your learning goals may be, we can help 😊

Get one-on-one help from highly qualified tutors.

Convenient online lessons with flexible schedules and affordable pricing!

Whether you're a parent of an elementary school student or a student in high school, you can benefit from personalized learning plans that prepare students for success. 

Services provided

For more information, email us or book a free consultation 😊

Grade 1-4

Support academic growth during these critical years of development. Develop skills in reading comprehension, math concepts, spelling, writing fundamentals, french, and more.

Grade 5-8

Build on fundamental concepts to foster success throughout these transformative years. Advance knowledge in algebra, geometry, writing skills, literary analyses, french, sciences, and more.

Grade 9-12

Master high school subjects and get prepared for post-secondary. Get assistance with essay writing, french, advanced mathematical concepts, biology, chemistry, and more. Gain guidance on effective study habits, time management and the process of applying to college/university.

Free consultations

A great opportunity to get to know us, discuss your learning goals and see if A+ tutoring is for you! Free 15 minute consultation for all first-time students.

Who are we?

Hi! My name's Avery and I'm the founder of A+ Tutoring! I grew up in Niagara and I'm going into my 4th year of Health Sciences of my pre-medical journey at Queen's University. I started this business because I love helping others succeed and wanted to make a job out of something I'm most passionate about! Due to the success of this company, I have hired various highly qualified tutors, including other students and teachers. We all have plenty of experience in tutoring, peer mentorship, and working with diverse demographics. Book a free consultation to learn more and see if A+ tutoring is for you!